Our expertise on tap for you

Over the past 24 months, Medilaw Group has had the opportunity to connect and engage with more than 6100 of you through our Educational webinar series.

Our resident host Kylie Gould has been joined by several of our Medilaw Group Consultants who have shared their expert advice, insight and experience on a diverse range of topics ranging from Telehealth to Addiction.

If your diaries are anything like ours, we are sure you will have missed the chance of meeting a consultant or two at our live sessions. Thankfully, all of our webinars are recorded so all you need to do is browse from our webinar library below, grab some popcorn and settle in for interesting conversation.

Great news! Our educational webinars specific to life insurance are now recognised by the ALUCA – Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association CPD Program. Any webinar that is of relevance to life insurance qualifies for ALUCA – Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association CPD points.

Trauma management and recovery pathways


  • Dr Tanya Ahmed, Psychiatrist, Medilaw
  • Dr Justine Schelle, Psychiatrist, Next Health

This thought-provoking webinar explores the growing prevalence of trauma, its acute and long-term impacts and the importance of trauma-informed care. Gain valuable insights into identifying potential histories of trauma in claims and receive up-to-date advice on being trauma informed.

Discover practical strategies for supporting individuals who have experienced trauma and understand how past trauma can impact their return to work.

Facilitated by Medilaw Group’s National Account and Marketing Manager, Kylie Gould.

Medilaw Group Webinar Series 2022 #2 – Chronic Pain – A multifaceted view of a complex problem


  • Dr Terence Lim – Pain Physician, Medilaw Group
  • David Riley – Account Manager, Kairros
  • Galit Bailey – Psychologist, AtWork Australia

“Chronic Pain – A multifaceted view of a complex problem”

Join our talented and diverse panel as we explore living with pain, coping with pain, working with pain and what happens when pain disrupts daily lives.

Medilaw Group Webinar Series 2022 #4 – Managing risk, recovery and return to work in our new hybrid work environment


  • Dr Michael Lucas – Occupational Physician, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Ghazala Watt – Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Ben Lingard – Area Manager VIC/TAS/ACT/QLD, WorkFocus Australia
  • Andrew Mills – Business Development Manager, WorkFocus Australia

“Understanding the role and versatility of Occupational Physicians”

For many businesses, the pandemic changed the traditional 9-to-5 work at the office mind set, resulting in a significant portion of the Australian workforce adopting hybrid workforce models. In addition, retail and other large indoor environments continue to have higher exposure rates of COVID-19 and other outbreaks such as influenza.

So, how do these issues impact on recovery and the capacity for returning to work?

Medilaw Group and WorkFocus Australia have combined their knowledge and expertise to explore what these changes and challenges mean, how to manage the risks and what return-to-work looks like in a new hybrid work environment.

Medilaw Group Webinar Series 2021 – Highlight Reel

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𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙚𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙
Medilaw Group quickly adapted our national education program to a webinar series as the impacts of COVID lockdowns were felt in early 2020.

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪!
Since our first webinar over 18 months ago, we have had over 5700 of our customers tune in to over 20 webinars featuring more than 50 expert panelists.

We appreciate your support for our webinar program and we hope you have enjoyed joining in our conversations.

Engaging and supporting and ageing workforce in 2021 and beyond


  • Dr Michael Bowles, Occupational Physician, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Zeeva Cohen, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Ben Lingard, State Manager, WorkFocus Australia

This webinar discusses Australia’s ageing workforce, and how to engage and support older workers in this new world of changing roles, working remotely and greater engagement with technology.

Concussion – The knock on effects


  • Dr Noel Saines, Neurologist, Medilaw Group
  • David Riley, Account Manager, Kairros Pty Ltd
  • Evelyn Chen, Neuropsychologist, Medilaw Group

Our multidisciplinary panel delved into:

  • Concussion – what is it, symptoms to look out for and emerging information about long term impacts
  • The incidence of concussion in personal injury
  • Treatment recommendations and guidelines and,
  • Considerations for returning to work

Telehealth – Your Questions Answered


  • Dr Ghazala Watt, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Phillip Truskett, General Surgeon, Medilaw Group
  • Cassandra Boyd, Clinic Coordinator, Medilaw Group

We want to ensure that everyone has continuous access to specialist opinions no matter where they reside.

Over the last 18 months, Telehealth assessments have rightly earned their place in the suite of medicolegal assessment services and it has gone beyond just increasing access to regional areas. It has opened access to a range of specialists and a range of availabilities for all clients with a suitable telehealth case.

We’ve set up a Q+A session with our expert panel to discuss the most common questions that you might have about Telehealth.

Our resident host, Kylie Gould sat down for a Q+A session with our expert panel to discuss the most common questions about Telehealth.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes


  • Dr Simon White, Occupational Physician, Medilaw
  • Professor Peter Steadman, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Medilaw Group
  • David Riley, Account Manager, Kairros

Work environments can impact our entire physique and emotional outlook. This webinar discusses the specifics relating to knees and shoulders in a repetitive environment and the importance in approaching rehab for shift workers differently, particularly with fatigue management. Delivered in partnership with Kairros.

Somatoform Disorders


  • Dr Robin Chase AM, Occupational Physician, AMLG
  • Corina Della-Posta, Psychologist, WorkFocus Australia
  • Dr Aleksandar Janca, Psychiatrist, Next Health

Somatoform disorders often mean that a person lives with a condition that is often misunderstood or misdiagnosed with no adequate explanation. Despite detailed diagnostic tests, patients with this disorder often suffer greatly, both psychologically and physically due to misconceptions by doctors that they don’t want to be helped, or because of their own feelings of insecurity about being helped. Delivered in partnership with WorkFocus Australia.

Chronic Pain and Long Tail Claims


  • Dr Christian Rowan, Addiction and Pain Management Physician, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Martin Allan, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Shane Butcher, Principal, LawPartners

This webinar covers both long term claims (eligibility, entitlements and requirements to name a few) and chronic pain (what it is, associated conditions, symptoms, support and strategies on how to best treat it without depending solely on prolonged pain medication).

Secondary Psychiatric Conditions


  • Dr Martin Allan, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Corina Della-Posta, Psychologist, WorkFocus Australia
  • Justin Dyson, Partner, McCabe Curwood

As a result of a physical trauma or illness, physical symptoms can manifest into a secondary psychiatric condition. In this special session, we take a look at what
are secondary Psychiatric conditions, how they present, the impact they have on the injured person and other stakeholders, and ongoing management. Delivered in partnership with WorkFocus Australia.

Opioid Addiction


  • Dr Noel Plumley, Addiction Medicine Specialist, Medilaw Group
  • Dorothy Frost, GM Research & Innovation, MedHealth
  • David Riley, Account Manager, Kairros
  • Lucy Hartley, Claims Service Manager, Swiss Re

This pertinent webinar reviews the growing focus of opioid prescription and misuse in Australian society. We discuss the scope of the issue within the community and compensable injury schemes, as well as management strategies to improve claim and health outcomes. Delivered in partnership with Kairros.

An interactive session with Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Greg Nutting


  • Dr Greg Nutting, Orthopaedic Surgeon, AMLG

This interactive webinar provides an opportunity to engage with our experienced Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Greg Nutting. Dr Nutting walks us through common issues related to Musculo skeletal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident from causation/mechanism of injury right through to Assessing Whole Person Impairment, covering common terms, assessment techniques, red flags and the role of radiology along the way.

Understanding the Cultural Factors that Impact Recovery


  • Dr Ghazala Watt, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • A/Prof Michael Robertson, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Danielle Brown, General Manager, Kairros

This special educational webinar shares insights from Medilaw Group as we to discuss cultural factors that impact on recovery, including considerations and effective management techniques to ensure the best outcome for your client. Delivered in partnership with Kairros.

Decoding Medical Reports, Terminology and Implementing Recommendations


  • Dr Michael Lucas, Occupational Physician, Next Health & Medilaw
  • Dr Todd Gothelf, Orthopaedic Surgeon, AMLG & MLO
  • Ellen Watson, Rehab Consultant & Physiotherapist, WorkFocus Australia

In this webinar our expert panel spend time reviewing common medical terminology, in particular terms that are used in medical and rehab reports and reviews, delving into what certain phrases mean and discussing how to identify the key findings that help set the plan for implementing recommendations. Delivered in partnership with WorkFocus Australia.

Inside a Telehealth Assessment


  • Dr Ben Duke, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Simon Journeaux, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Medilaw Group
  • Jason Vowles, Exercise Physiologist, Be Active Health Solutions

This webinar lifts the lid on a telehealth IME assessment so you can better understand the process and confidently walk your clients through what to expect. Delivered in partnership with Be Active Health Solutions. Please contact Bruno Giunta to receive a copy of the recording: bruno.giunta@medilaw.com.au

A Framework to Re-engineer Engagement with Insurers & their Treaters Masterclass


  • Dr Jack Cygler, Director of Product Innovation, MedHealth
  • Corina Della-Posta, Psychologist, WorkFocus Australia
  • Dr Alice Neale, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group
  • Dr Neil Cochrane, Neurosurgeon, Medilaw Group

This interactive session will provide valuable insights and lessons learnt from managing claims in other insurance jurisdictions to show how you can re-engineer engagement with insurers and their treaters to provide significant benefits.

Understanding and managing anxiety

Understanding and Managing Anxiety


Dr Ghazala Watt, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group

Dr Victor Cheng, Psychiatrist, Medilaw Group

Alyse Withers, Provisional Psychologist, WorkFocus Australia

Thousands of people are feeling pressure on their mental health right now – and that includes people out in the workforce.This timely webinar delves into the topic of anxiety and our expert panel offer some valuable tips to help support your clients, team or anyone who may be struggling.